Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fill In #24

I'm enjoying some much needed time with my parents. In slightly cooler weather. But this smoke...well, I guess we could all do without it. But I'm optimistic. You know, this is going to be a nice weekend. To celebrate all of our Dads! Let's start the weekend with Friday Fill-Ins.

1. One of my favorite birthday presents is my Goddaughter, who was born on my birthday.

2. She grew up, it was as simple as that.

3. The moon is still glowing red.

4. A real family includes amazing friends.

5. I was tempted by that chocolate bar.

6. Sleeping, exploring, and eating are some of the things I like to do on vacation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing a little bit of nothing, tomorrow my plans include having breakfast with my parents and Sunday, I want to celebrate my Dad! ♫

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