Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Fill In #28

This is been a rather dramatic week. In more ways than one. This man, has been a total lifesaver! So I'm a little sad, that he's about to leave the country, for 6 weeks. But I guess, a lot of that, I actually have control over. And I'm a little scared. So I'll suffer silently. Anyway, I'm going to be positive. Especially since Familia G is back in town. And I'm very happy about this week's Friday Fill-Ins. Happy Friday!

1. I hold a pillow while I sleep.

2. Cowboy J is someone I like to travel with because he makes everything fun and interesting.

3. That day, was so horrible, I want to forget all about it.

4. I want better, for my life, this year.

5. Trust God.

6. I like to think and pray in the dark.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to making NICU babies better, tomorrow my plans include lots of work and Sunday, I want to enjoy "Pancake Sunday" and the NASCAR race! ♫

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