Sunday, September 12, 2010

Redskins Baby!

I bet you had no clue, that I like the Washington Redskins. I mean, I really like them! As in, they're my favorite NFL team! The Vikings are coming in a very close 2nd...thanks to Favre.

But the point to today's post is this. I get to go to the game today! Yes! I get to go, and sit in an amazing box. And watch this team play! It totally makes my day. I really did almost pee my pants, when my boss asked me to go with him and a bunch of friends. Yes, just moments ago! I'm pumped and ready to go!

Oh ya. We're also throwing another Baby Shower and BBQ thing for my best friend today. And she has no idea. I haven't slept since Wednesday. And I can't stop thinking about this game! Did I mention the cute jersey that I also just got? I can't wait! I love football Sundays!

But first, I need to get ready for church. I hope everyone has a great Sunday! You know who I'll be cheering on! Are you going to watch any football games today? ♫

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