Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fiesta Mexicana!

This picture can pretty much sum up my week. It was a good week. But a very busy week! Lots of teaching and performing. Lots of learning. Lots of singing. Being part of this big weekend, well, it takes a lot of hard work.

I had the pleasure of performing for this Big Mariachi Show. Filled with greats, giants, and lots of Maestros. Men that I respect more, than you'll ever know. That have taught me about my cultura, and the musica. That have taken me under their wings, and have shown me the ropes.

Seeing all of my favorite little girls learning, only added to the experience. Seeing them learn about our cultura. Carrying on the traditions. It was amazing. But sharing the stage, was just magical.

This has been a week filled with music. Lots of it. The best of the very best. Lots of trajes. Many Maestros. Everything oozing with the spice of the Vida Mexicana! I enjoyed every second of the week and weekend. Every single second!

It didn't hurt that so many of my friends were here too. Sharing the stage. Teaching alongside me. Laughing. Sharing their families. Enjoying our cultura. It was magical. It was just magical to see how traditions are past from one generation to another. These shows and conferences never get old. Never! Que Viva la Vida Mexicana! ♫

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