Wednesday, May 26, 2010


What happens when you put me and my friend/makeup artist together? Well, this morning it meant us getting ready for our gig. And watching some YouTube videos. Because, it's just fun to watch some makeup related videos.

One of my favorite gurus to watch is CarahAmelie03. This is one of her latest videos. I like this look for summer. It's just fun! M told me, it's an excuse to talk the guys into going back to Lake Norman. I say, that's a great idea! Now if we can just squeeze in another day of fun and sun!

And because we have a crazy day, I leave you with a fun makeup video to watch. Why do I like CarahAmelie03? Because she isn't all about brand name makeup. She also incorporates drugstore makeup. Like in this video. If you like this video, take a look at her blog. ♫

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day at the Lake

Do you want to know what I did today? I went to Lake Norman. My boss/friend took us all today. This is our only real day off of work while we're here. And he has a house on the lake. OMG! I'm in love! In love with this beautiful lake!

I was joking with Blue Eyes (my boss) that I'd marry him just to live here! OK, so maybe it was 80% joking. But seriously, look at this picture! It's paradise! My boss just smiled that crooked smile that he has, and I had to remember, I have a life back home! Hello, put my head back on. You have to go back to school, and the hospital.

The reality of the matter is this. Dr. P, a doctor that I worked with at my hospital, is a chief at a NC hospital. He has offered to move me to NC. His family has 2 houses. One is on Lake Norman! They have offered to let me live there for nothing! If I transfer to Duke and work with Dr. P at the hospital. Oh, and there would be a little bit of babysitting on my part. They have 4 amazing kids. I used to watch the oldest 2 when they still lived near me. And maybe some cooking for an occasional dinner party. Yes, I used to do these things for them. Along with a little cleaning.

Oh, I might just have to take them up on that offer. Because look at this place! It's amazing! And their house, well, you can put 10 of my houses in theirs. Yes, they have a palace for a house! Just imagine, a chief of a hospital lived there. Now it's just like their summer house!

So what did we do today? It started with breakfast in bed! Hello! I LOVE my boss and the guys in the band. Although, I think they're buttering me up. They want me to cook a big feast one night, for dinner. Then we all got our bathing suits on, slathered up in SPF, and headed to the lake.

We spent the day on the boat. Well, I spent part of the day. My pregnant best friend, she couldn't handle all the movement of the water. So we spent a good part of the day relaxing by the swimming pool. Yes, swimming pool. These lakeside houses are not just houses, they're mansions!

We had a HUGE cookout. It was a catered affair. Remember, I had the day off! And my white skin, well we hung out under lots of protection. Slathered in SPF 50. Yes, I'm still white as sin! But now, my hair is nicely highlighted with red. Hello! I love this about my hair. :)

And we ended the day watching the sunset with a big bonfire. We made s'mores and laughed at silly stories. It was so magical. I wish I could go back. Lay on the beach. Play in the water. But we're back at the boss' house. Getting ready to watch some movies. And call it a night. Tomorrow is ridiculously full of work! ♫

I Ruined My Dress!

Tonight, I wore a lot of dresses. We do quick changes backstage. Thank goodness for my 2 friends that help me! The minute I leave the stage, my shoes go flying off. We have this fabric tube like thing that I crawl into and I start taking off whatever in the heck I'm wearing. C gives me my next outfit. And I climb into it. I usually have them drop the tube thing I'm in at about this time. C will zipper me in and get my next pair of shoes on. While I'm changing jewelry. M fixes my hair and makeup. Then I'm running back onstage.

Over the years, we've gotten good. So good, a quick change is somewhere between 2-3 minutes! That is what it was supposed to be like tonight. Supposed to be. I don't have a picture of my dress, and I'm not about to take one now. I might cry. These were the closest I could find online. But my dress was made out of a beautiful satin. Not the cheap kind that most wedding dresses are made out of. But a gorgeous and rich fabric. The kind that is a few $100 a yard! My dress had a rather deep sweetheart neckline, and hit somewhere between mid-thigh and my knee.

This was not the first time I wore this dress. In fact, I've had it since October. The last time we came to NC. I have the dress in about 8 colors. It was custom made. After my boss saw something like it, he had C hand make these dresses. Yes, more than one. The white one, somehow was my boss' favorite. And that was what I was supposed to wear tonight when we sang 1 of our duets. With the Christian Louboutin shoes. What the heck! This outfit costs more than my tuition for a semester! We're not even going to talk about the jewelry I was wearing. There is a reason why I have a bodyguard...

Just as M is doing the finishing touches on my makeup. Shoes are on and I'm heading back to the stage, I feel a trickle. A trickle of blood coming from my nose. OMG! I had the worst nose bleed ever tonight! My boss sees me. Arms covered in blood. He picks me up and takes me to a couch in my dressing room. I lay down. And for 30 minutes my nose bleed! I don't know what the band played. But whatever, they know enough songs without me!

The entire front of my dress was covered in blood. I'm not sure if it's the change of climate, the crazy weather here, my allergies, or the heat in the club. But it was pretty bad. At one point, my boss called Dr. P backstage to take a look at me. I think they were all getting concerned. And as quickly as the blood came, it stopped. They gave me some juice, I took one of my iron pills, and Dr. P took my vitals. I was OK.

So I cleaned up and changed into a red dress. Identical to the white one. My boss and I made it to our spots. The lights went off, and we carried on with the show. At the end of "Need You Now" my boss gave me a big hug, a kiss on the check, and managed to whisper in my ear. I didn't take his offer to bow out gracefully and take the rest of the night off. I was there to work. And I finished the show with the band. Nose bleed free. Now I'm off to sleep. Because I'm exhausted! ♫

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Up On the Ridge

This song is AMAZING! One of my new favorites. I just like Bluegrass music in general. Just the raw emotion of the music. It's fun. Just like this song! And let me tell you, this is one of the bands favorite songs to play! I just LOVE that!

We're getting ready for some big gigs. I'm so excited!!! And this song, it makes my toes curl. I really can't wait to hit that "Good 'ol Carolina Stage." Seriously, these are some of our favorite gigs. EVER!

And pretty much, from now until the end of May, I'm not getting much of a break. But I can't complain. I get paid to hangout with my friends. To jam. And to perform some really fun music. Now I'm off to listen to Dierks some more. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE his music? :P ♫

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mary Jane Booties

This is the 1st pattern that I'm using, to make My Lil' Southern Belle, some gifts. This is a free pattern from Free Crochet. Yes, I'm planning on making tons and tons of things for my best friend's baby girl! You know, this is going to be so special. And not just because I'm going to be her Godmother. But because this is the 1st baby of my truly "Childhood Friends." ♫

Sunday, May 16, 2010


“I am not what happens to me. I choose who I become.” ~Carl Jung

Some days, I'm just speechless. People in my family do and say things that just leave me, well, speechless. Like my oldest brother. What is he thinking? Does he really thinks that these things are going to make me love him? Um, no. They're not. They're making me HATE him. I'm not someone who hates people. But serious, I can't take it anymore. If you wanted to be a real brother, you would have done it a long time ago. And not just when Dad is around.

And my sister, the youngest of them. What is she thinking? You disappear for years, yes years, and now you think we're going to be all open arms? Do you think I'm going to act like we're best friends? I just wonder what goes through their heads. You know, I've never done anything to my siblings. But they've never accepted me either. Why? Because they think I have this amazing life? Um, no I don't! I work my butt off! I literally work 100 hours a week. On top of a full schedule at school. I'm putting myself through school. I sacrifice to get the things I want. Yes, my parents help me from time to time with certain things, but I do most of it on my own.

So what's the deal? At least I can respect certain siblings for being the same ruthless people that they are. Like my oldest sister. She's always treated me the same way. Never budged an inch! Always been who she is. So has my youngest brother. But these people that sit on the outside and play nice in front of people, I'm done with them. They have a heck of a lot to prove to me. Because I'm the little sister that never did a damn thing to them. So what's the deal here?

I so badly want to talk to them and ask them. Do you know, I have 9 siblings? And not one of them treats me like a sister! Not a single one! None of them respect me. Or gives me the time of day. But I have to say this, my nephews and nieces more than make up for them. I love them with all my heart! And in a lot of ways, they are like my brothers and sisters. I grew up with them. And they respect me. It's just crazy.

Maybe I'm just a big 'ol B. But you know what? I've never done a damn thing to these 9 people. I'm me. I've never changed the person that I am. I've been loving, and open armed. Wanting so badly to have some kind of a relationship with these people. But they don't want it. And I'm not going to force it. I'm 27 years old, I think I've been nice long enough. If they want to be a real brother or sister, the ball is in their court. I still have the same phone number. They know where to find me. You know, I'm just ready to move forward in my life. ♫

Saturday, May 15, 2010

2010 Graduates

You know what? I miss a lot of things. Mostly because I live 3+ hours away from my family. And I work 100 hours a week. I can't remember the last graduation party, birthday party, or actual family gathering I went to. Other than the funerals. I pulled every string I could, just to get off for Easter. Heck, I worked on my birthday. Do I feel bad? Yes, I really do! Even if I miss parties for people that don't really talk to me.

Especially this weekend. My cousin's graduation party is today. And so is my friend S's. That one probably hurts most. Because she has overcome so very much to get her degree. Yes, I feel bad. But what can I do? I have to work. At least I know S understands. Because she's been in college. And knows what it takes to get through it.

My family? Probably not. And this is just the beginning. We have 4 more graduation in the family. I think. But, not a single one can I go to. It's tough. For more than one reason. I've missed countless baby showers. Heck, I even missed my cousin's wedding in April. But it's part of life. You have to make sacrifices to achieve your dreams. I have to remember that.

And to be honest, I'm very proud of each of these graduates. I wish that I could buy them each a wonderful card. And send them an amazing gift. But at this point in my life, I'm lucky to put food on my table. Graduating is such a HUGE accomplishment. It should be rewarded and celebrated! And I hope these people realize it. This is the beginning of their lives. Just a stepping stone to the next chapter. I wish them all the luck in world. I love them all. And I hope that they can reach their dreams. ♫

Monday, May 10, 2010

Simple Style

This is very much my style. Simple. Easy. Yet, elegant. Do you know what I mean? I must have 20 scarves, in different colors, that are similar to this one. Black, long sleeved tees, I just counted 5 in the dryer. The over sized handbag, ballet flats, and simple jewelry...those are some of my favorites.

Yes, I'm very low key when it comes to my "style." For casual days, this is pretty much what I wear. Maybe add a cute blazer. Or some long, dangly earrings. And you've got what I wear 90% of the time. But it feels and looks "pulled together." Like I made an effort. Even if I just rolled out of bed, after an "all nighter," studying for my clinicals. ♫