Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Fill In #32

This has been an interesting week. It started out bumpy, but has turned out to be a good week. A busy week. But a good week! Now I'm in overdrive. Trying to get everything done, for this weekend. I'm sure it will get done. One way or another. But I needed to take a break, and do my Friday Fill-Ins. Happy Friday!

1. The only question is, how in the world, am I going to get, to where I want to be.

2. I wish I could clean my yard in one day.

3. Three things on my desk: a vase of pink roses, a cup of pens, and a glass of pineapple juice.

4. Deciding on a final internship, for this semester, is the one thing I HAVE to do today!

5. I love playing with my Goddaughters.

6. Horrible cologne/perfume overwhelms the senses.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a long night of hard work in the PICU, tomorrow my plans include finishing up some gifts and baking, and Sunday, I want to have fun with my friends! ♫


gengen said...

I like your answers. happy weekend...

Anonymous said...

Ugh I agree. The wrong perfume/cologne can kill you!