Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Fill In #31

Why has this felt like the longest week ever? I seriously want to crawl into bed and stay there for a week. It's just been a tough week. And I'm more than happy, that it's over! But I can't kick off the weekend, without my Friday Fill-Ins. :)

1. How can I possibly get through all of this?

2. You'd never find me smoking weed, I LOVE my brain too much!

3. My hair needs some serious help.

4. This year was my High School 10 year reunion, and I didn't go.

5. My favorite summer fruits are berries and peaches.

6. Boom...what was that?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to some rest, tomorrow my plans include yard work and Sunday, I want to enjoy a little bit of life! ♫

1 comment:

Kasi said...

We must have graduated the same year...It's my 10 year reunion too and I'm not going...Gonna have a baby instead! :) (Found your blog from Friday Fill-Ins)