Monday, March 29, 2010

Doing the Prep Work

It's almost that time. You know, to start my garden. I'm a lot like my Tatie in that respect. I like a nice garden. I started planting veggies a few years ago. Last year, I really got into it. Everything was going amazing. Until our crazy weather got really crazy! My plants stopped growing in the middle of the summer. Then in November, my plants were growing wild. I had mini watermelons in November! Until they froze...

But it's Spring. And now I need to start getting ready to plant. So I spent 3 hours pulling small weeds, trying to kill part of my grass, and just prepping. The grass keeps taking over my flower beds and garden spot. And I'm trying to revive the grass in the front yard. I was covered in dirt, stickers, and weeds. But my yard is coming along.

And if you've ever seen the size of my yard, you know it takes a lot to keep it up. I'm constantly doing something! But I really do enjoy it. I can see flowers cracking through the ground. I've already got a bunch of seeds. I need to start them in my cups. I can't plants seeds directly in the ground. The birds eat them. But I'm almost ready to start my Spring planting. ♫

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