Today, my parents and I went on a fun adventure. On that train. Yes, from 8AM to 5PM, we just enjoyed a little bit of life. A slow and fun trip, on the train. Seeing some of the most beautiful landscape that you can imagine!
It's something that mis padres, have talked about for anos and anos. Since I was a ninita. They've always wanted to go. And after a long road trip, much longer than we expected, a little investigating, a questionable hotel, and a fair dinner, we made it to the train. Honestly, I would not trade today for anything. We had that much fun!
Our trip included a tour, bus ride, up the mountain. Crossing the state line at least 11 times on the way back. The return trip was on the train. And halfway back, we stopped for lunch. It was really a fun ride. We met new people. Had great conversations! And it ended with a sprinkling of rain, and getting to see a family of deer. :)
When we got back, we did some shopping. Yes, in that little tiny town. And got a few souvenirs. Nothing crazy or odd. Just some cute things. My Mom bought a hummingbird sign, for her yard. My Dad bought a train for his collection. And I got a pin and some earrings.
Then we made the trip home. Well, we didn't get there. We made it to the state capital. We managed a small dinner, before hunting down a hotel. A better hotel. And we've pretty much collapsed. In pure exhaustion! It was such a great day. A fun trip. And now, I'm ready for some sleep! ♫
About a year ago, my parents and I, traveled up to the State Capital. For no real reason at all. Just for a quick trip. We didn't have a plan. But figured that we would walk through the Plaza. And eventually head home. It was a day trip.
And when we got there, you couldn't miss the beautiful flowers. Tons and tons of baskets, overflowing with beautiful flowers. Hanging throughout the Plaza. A little like these...
And since that time, those flowers were all I could think about. I wanted baskets of beautiful flowers for my yard. Something simple, but beautiful. So I almost died out of excitement, when I found hanging flower baskets, and liners, at the Dollar Tree.
I bought a dozen. I'm not even ashamed to admit that. They're not huge. But they are the perfect size. And I planted a bunch of seeds inside them. And a few flowers. I have bigger plans for next year. Since I have a better clue about growing flowers in a basket. And I've got so many ideas. Yup, I'm excited!
It's funny. How simple the idea is. And how it never occurred to me before. I want flowers to hang from my HUGE trees. And in the middle of the lawn. I just need to find those poles. I can imagine flowering vines growing up the poles, and flowers dangling from the baskets. All the things that inspired me, on that summer day. ♫
Do you remember the candy, Big Cherry? It was my favorite growing up. I could count on a good family friend, to sneak me one, at the little league games. Every single time! Or my Auntie Joe, bringing one over, after I finished my dinner. Yum! Those were the days. :)
Today, I got a delicious Big Cherry! Ya, I know. It's early in the morning. But yum, it was good! Honestly, I didn't know that they were still making them. I never see them anywhere.
But Dr. M walked in. 2 precious candies in his hands. So we sat and ate. Enjoying our bliss in complete silence. The crunchy nuts, super sweet filling, and the yummy cherry! This is going to be a great day. Happy Saturday! ♫
I don't know what is more precious, the baby in this picture, or the blanket. Honestly, both are making my heart smile. But back to the blanket. It's a crochet blanket! No lie. Isn't it just too cute?
I'm working on 7 separate ones. For some very precious baby girls. Yes, I know it sounds a little crazy. But it is so much fun. I just love this pattern. All those "polka dots." Since I couldn't find a pattern, I made up my own. And it's going surprisingly well.
Mi Princesa is also a big fan, of this fun pattern. Oh yes she is! I think it's the texture, that gets people interested. And Mi Princesa may have hinted at a new blankie. You know, to match her "Nap Mat" for school. I just might be able to squeeze that in! ;) Nah, she's not spoiled at all! ♫
Vegetables are seriously my favorite things to eat. I don't think people realize how different they can taste, just buy cooking them in different ways. An example, broccoli. When it's raw, it's crisp, and has a very strong taste. Steamed, it's still crisp, but the taste is less intense. But when roasted, the texture and taste change completely! The broccoli has a more "nutty" taste. Here's a fun and easy recipe from Gooseberry Patch. This week's Free Recipe of the Week, highlights the wonderful taste of roasted veggies.
Pasta with Roasted Vegetables
1 lb. fresh mixed vegetables, chopped salt and pepper to taste 2 t. dried rosemary 2 t. dried thyme 2 T. olive oil 1/2 lb. rigatoni, cooked 2 t. balsamic vinegar 2-1/2 T. grated Parmesan cheese
Arrange vegetables in a lightly greased 13"x9" baking dish. Season with salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme; pour oil over all and toss. Roast vegetables in a 500 degree oven for 10 minutes or until browned. Drain vegetables, reserving juice; set aside. In a large serving bowl, toss pasta, vegetables, reserved juice and vinegar together. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese; toss. Makes 4 servings.
Honestly, this is one of the yummiest, and easiest recipes around. It can easily work as a side dish, or a main course. This is also a good way to use up any bits and pieces of veggies. You know what I mean. At the end of the week, when we have a mix of veggies, leftover from cooking all week. So yummy! ♫
It's been a ridiculously tough week. And it's only Tuesday. If we're Facebook friends, you seen my post. About marriage. Yes, I contemplated marriage. So I could run away, from all of this. But we all know, that won't solve anything. Let's just say, it's a good thing, this man, is in Espana right now. :)
So to cheer myself up, I decided to watch a few YouTube videos tonight. More specifically, I Love Lucy. She's my favorite! This is one of my favorite episodes. And it makes me laugh every single time. I hope you enjoy it too!
So what do you do when you're having a bad week. Or when you are just feeling "down in the dumps." I watch YouTube videos, bake yummy cupcakes, and paint my nails. Anything to feel good again. Hopefully, it works tonight. ♫
A friend of mine, forwarded this to me today. The Victorian Cape. For a baby. The best part, it's today's free pattern from Free Crochet. I can just imagine the perfect little baby, all wrapped up. So sweet! I just might have to start making one, or five! Because this would be absolutely perfect, for a wintertime Baptismo. ♫
The moment I seen this necklace, I had a smile on my face! It is just the cutest thing ever. The pinwheel reminds me of my childhood. And summer. All those summer evenings that I spent with my Grandma S. Sitting in her porch. Playing with pinwheels.
You know the ones. You would buy them at the store for a dollar. They were made out of a very thin plastic-foil type of material. You'd play with them all summer, and then, you weren't quite sure what happened to them...
This necklace just reminds me of a time past. Filled with laughter and happiness. Now, I'll be saving up my pennies for this little gem. Oh, I just can't wait! ♫
Team USA. Isn't it just amazing what they've accomplished? I think so. Tons and tons of hard work. And heart. We're so proud of these ladies. It's not the time to compare them to 1999 team. No. These ladies are different. They've accomplished so much. Just like the 1999 team, they're amazing. A different set of women. Who will inspire so many American girls.
No matter what happens today, we're proud of our fellow Americans. Yes, we'd all be so excited with the victory. But our fellow Americans have already accomplished so much. So very much! Good luck ladies. We're all cheering for you. ♫
If you are someone from my family, you know, I have 8 half siblings. For my entire life, I've been closer to my 2 youngest sisters. Unfortunately, many of my brothers and I, aren't exactly on the same page. But my sisters, they've been there for me.
It's crazy. In the last 12 years or so, I've really lost touch with my hermanas. It makes me so sad. It hardens my heart. And honestly, it makes me feel incomplete. I really wish, that I could get in touch, with my sisters.
My Mom's daughter and I, were never super close. But we got along. And we saw each other when we could. But honestly, it's been nearly 10 years since we've seen each other. That saddens me. So much!
About 2 months ago, I reached out. We sent text messages back and forth. And talked about meeting up. Before she left town. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. I wish it had. I miss my sister. And now, all I can do is hope. That we can reconnect sometime soon.
Then there is my Dad's daughter. We were super close. For years and years, there was rarely a day that would go by, that we didn't see each other. I love my sister so much. We were so close. And it's super sad to say, but we haven't spoken in almost 10 1/2 years!
I think about her all the time. And honestly, I wish I could talk to her. I wish that we'd run into each other. Somewhere. Because I really miss her. We were so close. I miss that. She was the only sibling, that I've ever had, who treated me with love, respect, and care.
Most of all, I miss just hanging out with her. Laughing. Sharing our lives. Cooking together. The simple things. Celebrating our birthdays together. I miss just spending time together. Being sisters and friends. I miss my sister more than words can say.
It's crazy. The older I get, the more I miss my sisters. It's like I need them more. I need them in my life. I want them in my life. If only. If only we were closer. We had more time together. Had a better bond. Didn't have the family issues to deal with.
My sisters mean the world to me. And if I can help mend our broken relationships, I'm all in! If only I had a way to get in touch with them. To build back our broken relationships. To be sisters and friends again. I pray for this every single day! ♫
My friend D, brought her kids by my office, at The Ranch today. And as I was quickly doing a search for crochet patterns, this one popped up. D's oldest daughter just fell in love with this Owl. Her little eyes just lit up!
I just couldn't say no. So I downloaded this pattern, and hopefully, will have this owl finished by Monday. Honestly, how could I say no? That adorable little face. She's 100% little girl. Loves her some purses. And shoes...
Who knows, I might just love this pattern. And I might make a couple, for a future Craft Fair or two. Now I'm off to hunt down some cute baby patterns. You know, I've got a bunch of Baby Showers coming up. I need to get busy making presents. ♫
This is been a rather dramatic week. In more ways than one. This man, has been a total lifesaver! So I'm a little sad, that he's about to leave the country, for 6 weeks. But I guess, a lot of that, I actually have control over. And I'm a little scared. So I'll suffer silently. Anyway, I'm going to be positive. Especially since Familia G is back in town. And I'm very happy about this week's Friday Fill-Ins. Happy Friday!
1. I hold a pillow while I sleep.
2. Cowboy J is someone I like to travel with because he makes everything fun and interesting.
3. That day, was so horrible, I want to forget all about it.
4. I want better, for my life, this year.
5. Trust God.
6. I like to think and pray in the dark.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to making NICU babies better, tomorrow my plans include lots of work and Sunday, I want to enjoy "Pancake Sunday" and the NASCAR race! ♫
Are you like me? You live for summer fruits and veggies. I seriously do! I can't wait, for the first corn of the summer. And the berries. Oh, the berries! So I'm always looking for a yummy recipe, for fresh summer foods. Like this one. It's this week's Gooseberry PatchFree Recipe of the Week.
Mexican Corn Salad
8 ears corn, husked 1/4 c. red onion, chopped 1/4 c. green pepper, chopped 1/4 c. red pepper, chopped 1 tomato, chopped 2 t. garlic, chopped 1/4 c. fresh basil, chopped, or 1 t. dried basil 1 t. dried oregano Optional: 1 t. hot pepper sauce 1/3 c. olive oil 2 T. lime juice 1 T. rice wine vinegar salt and pepper to taste Optional: 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and chopped
Boil corn 8 minutes in a stockpot of lightly salted water. Rinse to cool with cold water; slice kernels from cobs. Combine kernels and vegetables with remaining ingredients except salt, pepper and jalapeño. Toss well to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add jalapeño, if desired, and toss again.
So what do you think? Something you'd try? I'm thinking of grilling some chicken breasts. Maybe making some fresh guacamole. And definitely an Agua de Sandia. Sounds pretty yummy to me! ♫
A GIRL! Times 5! No lie. I just found out, the last "expecting couple" of my friends, is having a baby girl. Which means, I will have 5 new Goddaughters. This Fall. I can't believe it! I'm super excited. All 5 of these little girls are blessings from God. I'm sure that My Music Man is also excited. He's going to be a "Nono" for the very first time.
Yup, we are all so excited! 5 new baby girls. Already loved so much. I always feel so blessed, when I'm asked to be a Godmother, or "Nana." It really is a special duty. One that I hold dear to my heart. Not only do I get to love these ninitas, I get to help guide them in their lives.
Now, this Nana needs to get busy. Finishing up gifts, nurseries, and Baptismo dresses. But honestly, I'm so excited! Congrats to all of my friends. This is going to be a fun ride. And I'm so excited to be a part of it! ♫
I've been lucky the last few days. My Music Man has been in town, and we've spent some time just hanging out. Catching up, before he leaves, for 6 weeks in Europe!
My Music Man has been working hard. In my hometown. And I got the opportunity to "steal" him away on Friday. His parents and I showed up, and we took him out to dinner. Yum! Was the food delish! And the company was so good. We laughed the entire time. And honestly, I don't think anyone missed him at "work." There was just so much going on. But we did manage to get him back, before the entire event was over.
But it was nice to enjoy time with him and his parents. It doesn't happen much. Actually, it's rare. But definitely a fun time to be had. That is definitely one family I'd love to be a part of. You know what I mean?
On Saturday, Mr. Wonderful there, got me some tickets. I ended up going to the concert by myself. I knew my parents wouldn't be up to it. But I was set to have some fun! Meeting the Mr. and his parents for dinner, just before the show. :) We had a yummy dinner. And prepared for a fun show. Full of beautiful music. And a little singing from My Music Man. It was wonderful! I don't know who the bigger fan, his sister, or his mom. But this guy, had an entire section of fans. And I'm not just saying the 3 of us!
After the concert, my "Wanna-Be-In-Laws" went to gamble in the Casino. We headed to one of the Ballrooms. Which was set up for some "jamming." One thing you should know about our Music Conferences, is there is a ton of "jamming" that happens. Generally, there is a location, where everyone just shows up. Instruments in hand. And you just play. Everyone joins in. Teachers, students, anyone. And we sing. And dance. It really is a lot of fun. And that's what we thought we'd be doing.
Nope. The "Jam Session" turned into a night of dancing. One of the guys, that I worked with in my hometown, well his brother is a DJ. And came out for free. We had a great time. Lots of really good people. Having a lot of fun! And a lot of dancing happening!
Before I knew it, money was coming out of his wallet. Directed at the "Free DJ." To play this song...
A smile found it's way to his lips. My heart melted a bit. And we danced. No lie. I'm turning into one of those women.
Before long, the man with all the chivalry in the world, was punching out that musician. The one neither of us can stand. The one that prevented the Mr. from getting a job. In my hometown. And is now jealous of My Music Man's success. Did I mention? He can't stand me either. The feelings are mutual.
My Music Man has found himself on the other side of "that punch" before. During that time when we weren't talking. When I couldn't stand him. When he was mean as heck! And 'Ol Blue Eyes decked him. During our rehearsal. No lie...
But to see him punch someone else, well that just makes, well wonder. I'm grateful for My Music Man. And all of his good values. Before I knew it, that musician was being dragged out of there. My Music Man was checking to see if I was OK. And well, the rest of the musicians were on our side.
Yes, it's been a complicated and difficult road for My Music Man and I. We've had good times. Really good times. But we've also had really, really, really bad times. There was a two year span, when we didn't even talk. That's how much anger was there.
But whenever I've needed him the most, this man has been there. For whatever it was, that I needed. I'm so thankful. And grateful. That he is in my life. We encounter many people, like that rude musician. And never, not one single time, has he not defended me. My Music Man makes me feel so incredibly special. And worthwhile.
At the end of the night, we said our goodbyes. And got one of those truly amazing hugs of his. I went home with a knowledge, that someone out there, really does love me. Not out of obligation. But out of want. Beyond all the storybook lines, he really does love me. Maybe it's time, to start letting that love in. Into my heart. And really believing him. After 10 years, there's little, that we don't know, about one another. ♫
This isn't my "main" blog. It's not even were I flock to most days. I started this blog to keep in touch with family. Except, I never told anyone. :)
But this is a secondary blog. Like my FB page. And twitter. No, you won't ever find my primary ones. And they're all set to private. But there you go. This is going to be a "family friendly" zone. A place for me to keep in touch with my family. You might hear or read about my friends, but you probably won't ever see them. Sorry.
And that's why I use initials or nicknames, when I blog here. For privacy reasons. Most of my close friends have blogs, twitter, and FB...but they're all private. Because we share "real life" pictures. Of their kiddos. Their lives. Our homes.
But I will share my life here. As much as I can. Using initials. From time to time, a cute picture. Whatever. I'm trying to stay in touch with the people I love, but rarely get to see.
I will try to blog daily. Most days I'm active on twitter. And I try to post daily on FB. It doesn't always happen. But I try. You can also e-mail me. I welcome it all. And I want to say, Welcome to all of my family!My blog is finally out there! ♫
If you've been reading my blog, you're probably wondering...Who's who? Who are you talking about? Why do you use initials and not names? What's with these nicknames?
Well, I know my friends are cautious about their kids. And they have every right to be. So in our private blogs, we share pictures. And names. But here, I'll use initials. I've come up with nicknames, just for the blog, for my Goddaughters. They either have something to do with my Goddaughter's name, her favorite character, or something that reminds me of her. That's it.
But I know it can get a little confusing. So I'm going to try and give you a bit of a legend. Maybe it will make reading my blog a little more simple. A little easier to read and understand. So here goes...
My Goddaughters:
♥My 'Rella: She's my first Goddaughter. She battled cancer for almost 5 years. And is now in remission. Her parents are my Compadres CJ. ♥My Care Bear: She's a cutie pie! My oldest Goddaughter. Her dad is Maestro G. ♥Mi Princesa: She's from a BIG familia! Familia G. My Compadres G are her parents. Her big sister is Big M. Her little sister is Little M. And her twin sister and brother are Baby M and Baby D. ♥My Lovebug: My cutie patootie Goddaughter. Her parents are my Compadres P. ♥My Lil' Cowgirl: She's my Compadres T's baby girl. Her mom is M. M is also my friend/hairstylist/MUA. Her dad is B. Who is also in charge of the Country Band. Her big sister is L, and her twin brother is R. ♥Mi Florecita: She's my little Mexicanita! Her parents are my Compadres MG. ♥Mi Estrellita: She's my primos daughter! Yes, I have one Goddaughter who is also familia. ♥My Jellybean: Her parents are so much fun! I met her dad in college. They're also known as my Compadres M. ♥My Lil' Southern Belle: She's my Goddaughter who is sick. Daughter to my Best Friend. Also known as my Bestie. ♥My Lil' Sunshine: The youngest daughter to my friend D. She's been such a blessing! And such an unexpected Goddaughter. Her mom converted to Catholicism after a tough divorce.
My Soon-to-Be Goddaughters:
♥My Lil' Apple: I went to school with her parents. I worked with her mom, E. And now I work with her dad, P. There also known as my Compadres R. ♥My Lil' Fashionista: Her mom is the stylist that our band uses. And also an amazing friend! I refer to her as C. ♥My Lil' Birdie: Her parents are my Compadres S. ♥Mi Munequita: Her parents are my Compadres C. My Music Man and I are also their Padrinos. And soon to be Compadres. ♥Mi Rosita: Her parents are my Compadres A.
My Amigos:
♥My Bestie: My best friend from childhood. ♥My Compadres C: We've been friends forever! My Music Man and I are they're Padrinos. We're all super close. And we met in college. ♥A: He's a good friend. Who plays in the Mariachi with me. Our trumpet player. He's also Mi Princesa's Godfather. ♥'Ol Blue Eyes: My boss and friend. Amazing guy. He's also My Lil' Southern Belle's Godfather. ♥Cowboy J: He's my boss and friend. Owns The Ranch. And is My Lil' Cowgirl's Godfather. He's also in the Country Band. ♥O: A really good friend of mine. Who's also a Mariachi musician. He's B's widow. My 'Rella and My Care Bear's Godfather. ♥B: A good friend of mine. Who got called to Heaven so early in here life. She is missed so much! She was supposed to be My 'Rella's Godmother. ♥My Music Man: What is he? A Mariachi musician, in the Country Band with me. A good friend. I don't know what else to say. He wears a lot of hats. :) ♥B or sometimes Cowboy B: My friend, the founder of the Country Band. Dad to My Lil' Cowgirl. ♥M: B's wife. My Lil' Cowgirl's mom. A good friend. My MUA/hairstylist. ♥C: Another amazing friend. Our stylist for the Country Band. An amazing seamstress! ♥The Cowboy: A friend of mi familia. It's sorta complicated... ♥Maestro G: A good friend. Almost dad like figure. Musical genius! Almost manager. My Care Bear's dad. And My Jellybean's Godfather. ♥Dr. S: My supervisor at work. ♥Dr. M: One of the Drs. I work with. ♥Dr. P: A doctor that I once worked with. He's trying to get me to move to NC. To work in the hospital where he is now the chief. ♥Dr. L: A really good friend. A doctor that I work with from time to time. And he's also a musician.
I think that's a pretty good start. What do you think? If you're still confused, please leave a comment. Maybe I can help. Or you can help me explain. But I hope this helps out a bit. ♫
Did you know about this little wonder? Well, I didn't! And after a quick trip to Target recently, I found this beauty! Almonds + dark chocolate + small price = 1 very happy woman! When did this happen? When did Hershey's start making yummy, full-sized, dark chocolate bars??? I don't know when it happened. But I'm so glad it did! Now I'm off to enjoy my little treat. Happy Monday! ♫
♥4th of July fun! ♥Hanging out with the Hospital Kiddos for the holiday. ♥Fun DJs. ♥Amazing celebrities, who don't forget the "little people." ♥Steal Magnolia. Love that group! And their music. ♥Great deals on flower bulbs. Seriously made my week. I can't wait to plant them. :) ♥Amazing lyrics, that really mean something. ♥Fun fireworks. ♥The best co-workers you could ask for. We have a tough job. So it's nice to have amazing people to work with. ♥Lots of new baby boys. They're all coming soon. I can't wait to meet them! ♥Meeting family you never knew about. ♥My yard finally looking good. I work so hard at it. It's nice to see all my hard work paying off. ♥Hanging with 'Ol Blue Eyes. His new beautiful home! And spending lots of time with my friend. ♥Spending lots of time with my "Wanna Be In-Laws." It really was nice. They are such great people! ♥Fun meals. With lots of laughter. And really good food. ♥Watching "I Love Lucy," at odd ball hours. ♥Amazing people like Jaycee Dugar. ♥Talking with Mi Princesa and her sisters. They're having a blast on vacation. I'm so glad! ♥Hanging out with this guy all weekend! He just makes my heart sing. In all the right ways! ♥Mariachi Music. ♥Fun neighbors. ♥Celebrating birthdays. ♥Watching the flowers and birds. God is great. And nature is our proof. ♥Dancing the night away. With this guy. Even I have to admit it, we go together like "Peas and Carrots." :) ♥Little souls like Caylee Anthony. May she rest in peace. She deserved so much better. ♥Did I mention...great friends!
★Mean people... ★HOT, HOT, HOT days! ★Missing holidays with mi familia. ★The Incredible Hulk getting the boot from RTV. ★This heat. It's honestly killing me. And all my plants! ★Watching kiddos suffer. ★Casey Anthony's trial. There are no words to describe it. I'm speechless. ★This week's Friday Fill-Ins. Seriously! I wasn't feeling them. ★Never spending time, with amazing family members. That I knew nothing about. Until it was too late. ★Lots of family drama. I'm so over it. And completely exhausted because of it. ★Crazy musicians. Seriously, they need to get a life. It's not all about them. ★Weird family members. ★Dishonest people. ★Losing touch with the people I love.
It's been a crazy week. So incredibly busy! With too much drama for my liking. But amazing people, like this guy and his family, make life worth living. And I'm going to hang on to that. Knowing that God only gives us, as much as we can handle. He also sends us people, to make it all worth while. God has a way of making life good, no matter how much bad is coming at us. I'm happy to see last week behind me. And I'm anxious for the new week ahead. Filled with promise. Happy Sunday! ♫
It's been a few years since I've seen my nephew. The last time seen him, he was in the hospital. He had nearly died. I went to visit him. Although he couldn't speak, I knew he recognized me. I went as often as I could. Which honestly, was not near as enough. But I tried.
It's weird. You know, we pretty much grew up together. Sure, he's a few years older than me. I was in elementary school, when he was in high school. But we always seemed to have a bond. We'd joke. and he'd always take care of me. Almost like he was my big brother. :)
Years later, and shortly before he was hospitalized, he had a son. The most precious little boy I've ever seen! So cute. And my nephew made sure to bring him by. He wanted his little boy to know his "Gramps," my Mom, and I. I enjoyed all the time we spent together. I really cherished it.
Long before I was a "Nana" to many little girls, my nephew and his girlfriend, asked me to be their son's Godmother. I was so excited! I even went out looking for a cute tuxedo and all. But like I said, life had some twists and turns for us. And my nephew was soon fighting for his life. The Baptismo was no longer the priority.
It's been years. Many, many years. And my nephew and his little boy are always on my mind. I often wonder how they are all doing. I pray for them. And I ask God to watch over them. To take care of them. Because I love them so much!
This song, always reminds me of my nephew. Funny how just when I'm thinking about him, I hear this song. I can still see him dancing to it. When I was little, my sister lived in this trailer. My nephew would blast his "jam" and dance. Literally, the entire trailer would shake. I thought it was so funny. So he'd do it more. My sister didn't always feel the same way.
I really wish that I could see my nephew and his little boy again. I miss them so much! Is it nuts that I still have presents for him? In my closet! I just wish that I could see them. To make sure they're OK. Either way, they're always on my mind, and in my heart. I just hope,that they know, just how much I love them both. ♫
Ol' Blue Eyes lives in the SE. But for the last year or so, he's been spending a lot of time, here. In the SW. For half the week, he hangs out with the band and I. Just hanging out. Enjoying our little town. Helping the guy move hay. And stuffing payroll envelopes with me.
On Monday, he bought a new house. Here! OK, not just a house. But an entire farm! With a working orchard. HUGE business! And he just bought it. Like he was buying a soda. Because he wants a place to just "relax and hangout." Seriously?!?!?!
OK, so I couldn't resist the offer. He called and invited me over, to see his new place. I went over on Tuesday, after work. GORGEOUS! This house, it's amazing. Dude can barely cook. And he has 2 gourmet kitchens. Did I mention the outdoor kitchen? How about the 7 bedrooms? 10 bathrooms. Ginormous windows. There's also a couple hundred acres of property.
But hold your horses! What about the "Guest House?" It's bigger than my home! And the tree lined driveway. Man, this place is amazing. Did I mention...this is just his home to "hangout" in? Oh, and there is a gorgeous swimming pool.
So I don't know how to swim. But it didn't stop me. I sat poolside all afternoon. Laughing and enjoying the company of my friend. Talking about our futures. What we like to do in our "down time." Just enjoying the warm weather.
That evening, we enjoyed some BBQ. Sat on the floor, watching TV. Enjoying Combat Hospital. And some frozen fruit. It just cracks me up. Only in a "Man's World," does someone buy a house, and then a TV. Furniture, curtains, dishes...never even crossed his mind. :)
At the end of the evening, 'Ol Blue Eyes, asked me to decorate his house. No budget. He's seen what I've done for J. How I've decorated 3 of his homes. And we're working on a 4th. From the ground up. So I've got me a new job. Decorating Ol' Blue Eyes' new home.
I can see myself, and the band spending lots of time there. Just hanging out. Perhaps practicing for gigs. Or maybe just enjoying a meal and some poker. Yes, we are a "Texas Hold 'Em" kind of a group.
So now that I'm going to be spending some serious time at Ol' Blue Eyes' new home, maybe I'll learn how to swim. He's offered to teach me. This man has enjoyed water and swimming all of his life. Me? I'm more of a "Dangle my feet in the water" kind of a gal. So let's see.
But you can't deny it. Our friend got an incredible deal. Funny how he finds our town as an oasis. To just get away from life. Probably because very few people around here, recognize him. And he gets to live a "normal life." But seriously, his home is amazing!
It doesn't hurt that the place feels like "Heaven on Earth." That his "farm" is more like a piece of paradise, than a piece of desert property. Now, I just need to find the perfect furnishings. It's nice to have an unlimited budget. I'm drooling at all the possibilities! ♫
I'm really a fan of lilies. They're beautiful. And super easy to grow! I almost cried, when I seen this Lily. It's so beautiful in real life. And I knew I had to have some.
I asked my friend C, were she got them. Well, the next day, I had 5 bulbs on my desk! My friends are incredible. I planted them, as soon as I got home. Along with 3 yellow King Humberts. Yes, they look amazing too! I'm one step closer to a "Tropical Paradise," in my backyard!
I'm hoping that these lilies multiply. They're gorgeous. And so expensive! But they're beautiful. And honestly, they're perfect for this time of year! The rich red, against the beautiful green grass. ♫
Can you believe that it's already Friday? I know. I'm still trying to write Tuesday's date. :) This week's Friday Fill-Ins are just a little off. Don't blame me if they don't make any sense at all! But I'm a good sport, and trying it out. How about you?
1. I am from the chair, from Clorox, and Summer Flowers.
2. I am from the Old Colonial, with sweet smells, cool breezes, and peaceful nights..
3. I am from the Elephant Ear, Tiger Lilies, and Bamboo; also the Spider Plant, Peonies, and Sandy Beaches.
4. I am from baking cookies and taking care of family, from Genevieve and John and Garcia.
5. I am from the celebrating all of our good and standing by one another during the bad.
6. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing My Music Man, tomorrow my plans include going to the Car Show and Parade and Sunday, I want to take a long afternoon nap! ♫
Over the last few days, we've learned so much. But there are still so many unanswered questions. The punishment doesn't seem to fit the crime. All the attention is on Casey.
But this sweet face, we just can't forget about her. The horror she must have endured. Her last living moments filled with such evil. This perfect little girl, didn't deserve any of it. We need to remember that.
And we need to remember Caylee Marie Anthony. She deserved a better life. She deserved a future. All we can do now, is pray for her. And remember her. Remember the sweet angel that was taken from this world, way too soon! ♫
It just seems like the big events, like babies and marriages, come in groups. I have a few friends, and cousins, who are expecting baby boys. Or have recently had a cute little boy. So I've been searching high and low, for the perfect crochet patterns. It's so tough to find little boy patterns. But I've found some cuties!
Seriously! Does it get any cuter? I just love this little hat. A "little man" hat. I don't know if it's the hat, or the baby, but it sure makes me smile!
And these booties. Too cute for words. I've never seen any crochet patterns quite like this. But I'm loving these booties!
So now that I've found some cute patterns, I'm crocheting like a mad woman! So many babies. So little time. Seriously, one of my cousins had her baby in May. I'm still working on the gift! And I'm going to a Baby Shower next weekend. I need to get some serious crocheting done! ♫
For a few years now, I've worked on the 4th of July. It's been amazing. I know. It doesn't sound like a good time. But it really is.
First of all, the community is amazing. Always trying to give back. They acknowledge the kids. And their health problems. And their needs. So many businesses offer to help. In any way they can. As in, donating items, giving money, or giving time. Especially for the holidays. This year was no different.
The kiddos enjoyed berry pancakes. Everything had to be red, white, and blue. The kitchen also set up a cookie decorating station. We had crafts. And at noon, DJ J came to broadcast live. Let's just say, he brought the party! Kids were dancing all around. And we had a BBQ.
We convinced the kiddos to chill in the afternoon. Naps, movies, and overall down time. But by the evening, we were back to BBQ-ing. DJ J was still there. He was supposed to go DJ at a club. Instead, he hung out with all of us. Oh, and Ol' Blue Eyes was doing a MAW at our hospital. The kiddos were so excited!
But the best, was after dark. We figured out what kids would stay on the "Play Deck," which would stay inside, and who would get to go on the roof. People were moving around. Getting kids were they needed to be.
Everyone was over the moon! Berry sundaes were delivered. And we waiting on the fireworks. The city really delivered. 5 separate fireworks displays! The kiddos "ooood ad ahhed" until almost midnight! The fireworks were amazing!
And as we wheeled kids back to their rooms, all they could talk about was the day. BBQs, flags, and fireworks. It's nice to give them, a bit of the "normal" life, that they usually miss out on.
Seeing all of this, it makes me grateful. Grateful that I am doing a job, that really makes a difference. God has guided me here. To do good. To make these kids feel better. To make the world a better place.
Some days, I wonder why I'm in this field. It can be so hard. And heartbreaking. Literally, heartbreaking. When we lose a patient, it's like losing a family member. It's tough to see all the suffering. But days like this, make it all worth while. If only, we could give the kiddos, more of their childhood back. ♫
I never watched "The Hulk." Not the movies. Not the TV show. It just didn't interest me. Not my style of TV time. But when my parents came to visit in March, my Mom found this show. OK, so the fact that I only get 2 English channels, and 6 Spanish ones, might be the reason.
My Mom was looking for something to watch on TV. It was already getting warm outside. OK, it was HOT! And we were looking for something to do. My Dad was taking nap. We found "The Incredible Hulk" on RTV.
My Mom was so excited. She watched every single day, while they were at my house. And I have to admit it, it was a pretty good show. A few times in the next weeks, I watched. And well, I became a fan.
Yes, I work. And 90% of the time, I'm not at home in the middle of the afternoon. But those few days, that I was home, I watched. Yes, I was becoming a fan.
Well, recently, the schedule was changed. Some "Western" now comes out. Ugh! And I was really starting to like this show. But what can you do? I did enjoy it for the last 3 months or so. ♫
I just want to wish everyone a very Happy and Safe 4th of July! I wish I could be home. And celebrating with all of my familia. But work calls. And all of those duties. So enjoy the day. Eat lots of yummy comida! And be safe. We don't need any more wildfires. Happy 4th of July! ♫
He tells people all the good things. Tries to act like "the good guy." But he's not. And there are some people, that can see through it. They call me and ask me. I'm truthful. If you want to know, just ask. I'll tell you.
This song, the moment I heard it, reminded me of him. Because he's mean. Cruel at times. I know. I've experienced it. He knows the most hurtful things to say. And just when to say them.
But like the song says, one day, I'll be doing better. Living a better life. And where will he be? You know, there are already so many people, that don't want to be around him. He's going to be all alone.
It's sad. A person like this can damage so many lives. Hurt so many people. Be so deceitful. Can literally ruin a family. But I won't let him ruin me. I'll prove to him, that I'm a better person. I will make more of my life.
It's horrible to have to feel this way. And to know the real reason. But I can't change it. He doesn't give me reasons to change it. All I can do is, pray. And let God take care of it.
I guess the craziest part is, he wants to go to my house. Yes, my house! Really?!?!?! Because that will never, ever happen. Not when I know the truth. When I know that he sent an ex-con my way. Trying to intimidate me. It didn't work.
But one day, people will know the truth. They'll know the kind of person that he is. The kind of things that he does. They will know the facts. All I really know is, I'm not going to let him get me down. Not for one more day. I'm stronger than this. And I will prove that much. ♫
♥Dinner with my Compadres L and G. ♥Lots of fun time with My 'Lil Cowgirl and J. ♥Great friends who come over to visit...often! :) ♥Good country music. ♥Lots of fun dancing at work. ♥Sunflowers. ♥Unexpected pizza dinners with friends. ♥"Girly time" with My 'Rella. ♥Cookbooks. ♥Yummy desserts! ♥Good books. ♥Old neighbors. ♥Time with my cousin. So much fun! I hope we can do it again soon! ♥Yummy food! ♥Old Mariachi friends. ♥Winning at the Casino. ♥Sweet kisses from My Jellybean. ♥Time with my parents. ♥The gorilla special on PBS. I'm a PBS addict! No lie. :) ♥The "I Love Lucy" marathon that was on today. ♥Fresh summer fruit. ♥My strawberry plants.
★Horrible cases at the hospital. Poor kiddos. It always breaks my heart. ★Cutting my foot... ★Family drama. What the heck is up? It's going on, on all sides of my family. ★Paperwork. I've been buried alive in it. It's nuts! ★People not wanting to pay their bills. I'm tired of billing them. Come on folks! ★Triple digit weather. ★All of this driving. ★The NASCAR race last night. Not all of it. Just the last few laps... ★All these fires... ★Missing my favorite little girls... ★The crazy windstorm on Monday night. Totally increased my yard work! And the trees look horrible!
Another week has gone by. I really can't believe how quickly the summer is going by. This week has been a very emotional one. But I'm sorta glad to see it all behind me. Although, I will miss my cousin. Who is moving this week. But it was so nice to spend time with her. Happy Sunday! ♫
These beauties, are one of my favorite flowers. They're Oriental Poppies. They range in color from pure white, to a coral red color. But these pinkish peach ones are my favorite! They're just so pretty to look at.
Late in the Spring, I found a package of roots. I bought them. And planted them. Very recently, I found seed packets. I bought 5 packs. They were 5 for $1! I couldn't pass them up. But these beauties, they just don't want to grow for me.
What really breaks my heart is, My Music Man, he just threw a bunch of seeds in his yard. Dude hasn't been home, in at least a couple of weeks. Darn it, if his plants aren't already getting flower buds. How in the heck does that happen? I don't know. But I'm still hopeful that my poppies will grow and bloom this year. ♫
I bought this book in May or June. But with everything that was going on, I hadn't had the chance to read it. Then, one very H-O-T day, I sat down and read. A pitcher of iced tea, my book, and a fan.
It's all I really needed. I started and finished the book. That very same day! It was such a good book. I could easily see myself, reading this book over and over again. It was so magical. So full. The book is so detailed, you could just imagine all the scenes, the smells, the sounds. I completely, 100% recommend this book!
I would go into so much detail. But I don't want to give the story away. Now I can't wait to see the movie. I'm a big Reese Witherspoon fan. So you could imagine how excited I am. A great story, and one of my favorite actresses. If you want the book, I got it at Target for $6 or $7. It was on sale. And definitely, well worth every penny! ♫
I almost got married once. Only a handful of people know about this. Until now. But ya, little 'ol me, once almost got married. Here's the story...
When I was a freshman in college, I was juggling a lot. It was the first time I lived on my own, I was in college, had a new mortgage, worked a "real" job, had to figure out how to do laundry, I pumped my own gas for the very first time, and "really" cooked! I was just trying to survive. Oh, and then, 9/11 happened. That changed a lot. 9/11 would change a lot about my future education plans. Things that I never thought would change...they changed!
Some time between starting college, and 9/11, I met him. My Music Man. The one man, that would haunt my life...and at times, save me from myself. He was that man that every single female fell for. Every SINGLE one! Which isn't horrible when you work for know, as a Mariachi. But from the beginning, I never felt “worthy” of being around him. Like I wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t the way he acted, or treated me. But the way other people viewed him.
We became fast friends. Spent lots of time before and after rehearsals together, laughing and talking. Before long, we were in the same Mariachi, spent at least 40 hours a week together. And learned how to pack food in our luggage. Anything to save a few pennies, to pay for college. Yes, we took oranges, peanut butter, and crackers with us to Orlando. Because we were poor…
Ya, we figured out that I cheered at his old high school. At least 8 times a year. My Music Man is 3 years older than me. But he still went to his old high school’s games, after he graduated. During the time when I was on my high school's varsity cheer team. He went because his younger brother went to the games. His brother is younger than me.
Yes, we had met years before. When I cheered. And he was trying to figure out how we (the cheerleaders) could bend “like that.” And how in the heck, could we pull off those tricks. And why in the heck would we cheer, in the middle of a snowstorm, in tiny skirts. We were hardcore cheerleaders. The ones from his high school, they rarely went to the games. And our coach, well she thought that cheerleading was our life. We didn’t miss a thing. Including the Band Competing in the “Battle of the Bands.” Yes, we cheered for that! :P
So ya, we met. We actually shared a meal. Because 5 of us, and our coach got stuck, in his hometown. And we were stuck at Wendy's. Eating French fries and Frosties, at 2AM, during a snowstorm. We had met. He actually bought us real food. As in meals. I remember him telling us, “You ladies need a proper dinner. I saw how hard you worked. Very talented.” The only guy on our team was with us. And he was not impressed. I remember him calling him a Jack A#@. Under his breath of course. Did I mention? He was also my best friend. Somewhere between passing out the food, and going for ketchup, My Music Man asked me, for my phone number. And I gave him, a friend's phone number. Instead of mine. :)
But in college, it was different. He made my heart skip a beat. My tummy would get butterflies. And well, it just felt “right.” Hilariously, we were set up together. To sing. Lots and lots of duets. Which required a crap load of rehearsal time. And a bit of acting...
We started to realize things. Like he lived a few blocks down the road from me. Any given day, we were both happy to be eating Ramen noodles. Yes, we were those "Poor College Students." He walked to school, to save money on parking. I spent hours in the library, trying to save money on books. We both enjoyed old movies, and the craziest jokes. Running was our second favorite past time, to music of course! And hunting, fishing, and camping...well to both of us, it's just a part of life. :) Let’s not forget Salsa dancing. And the occasional midnight, ice cream run. :)
I also had a roommate that was making life horrible. So I needed someone to vent to. To tell how frustrated I was. Because I did everything in the house. All the cleaning. My food was frequently stolen. Things were being broken. No one cleaned but me. And well, my roomie wasn't doing anything. So I vented to My Music Man. Who listened. Really listened. And at the perfect moment, gave me one of those big bear hugs. Remedy to all!
Then, one day, we were talking to some friends. They had recently gotten married. And now, 90% of their tuition, books, and fees were paid for. Why? Because they were a married couple. HELLO!!! The bells were going off. We had this amazing idea...
It was the end of January. I was a freshman in college. I needed money. WE needed money! Ya, I had scholarships. But well, I needed help living. You know, once in a while, I wanted to eat a decent meal. So the idea was born.
We decided to get married. Nothing else would change. He'd stay in his $1000/month apartment. The entire place could fit into my living room. No lie! And I'd stay in my home. But school, it would be completely paid for. Completely! It sounded like heaven. :)
Being the chivalrous man that he is, My Music Man decided to take things into his hands. He paid for our blood tests. Yes, our state requires them. And he footed the bill for the license. He also went to an Antique Store, and bought us rings. They were the perfect fit. No sizing required! Quite beautiful, if I say so myself. :) We were all set. Our appointment with the Justice of the Peace was set. 4PM on a Friday afternoon. It gave us enough time to make it legal, and still make it to our Mariachi gig. How very romantic we are! :P
Well, our vocal lesson lasted longer than it should have. And we couldn't find a parking. Which made us late. And we missed our appointment! We couldn't wait another 30 minutes for the last appointment. We'd be late to work. So we figured we'd try again, the next week.
God had other plans. You see, My Music Man's Dad, is good friends with a certain Indian Chief. Who signed a certain paper, declaring that a certain man was at least 33% Native American. This allowed the government to pay for his entire tuition, fees, and books. And he got a monthly stipend. This happened on Monday. 3 days after our original wedding date.
So now, we didn't have to get married. His school was paid for. And with that extra money, well he paid for gas. To get us to work. You know, we had to travel, at least 50 miles one way, to gigs. And we did this 4-5 times a week. I also had a steady stream of food. We now lived off of PB&J sammies, or bean burritos. We were really living it up!
In the years that have followed, actual “real” proposals have happened. With big diamond engagement rings and all. So fancy! He's gone on to bigger and better things. Traveling the world, performing his beautiful music. Making a 7 figure salary. Touring with amazing performers. As the jobs have gotten better, the rings have gotten even bigger. And I've still said nothing…
I'm not sure what it is. But I don't want him to "settle." Or feel obligated to me. I started thinking about this recently. Because we had a serious conversation. And we also went down “Memory Lane.” Because he was getting ready to sell one of his cars. And we found a small box. With that beautiful ring.
The one that he bought. At that dusty Antique Store. The original ring. That would have made me his Mrs. And he my Mr. We had planned this, to pay for school. But he's not the kind of man, that would just walk away. I've always known that. Had we gotten married, all those years ago, we'd probably have 2.5 kids by now. With some dogs running around. In a beautiful home. My Music Man providing for his family. Allowing me, to live out my dreams. Because, he's that "Old Fashioned Man."
I'm not sure if our path was a good one, or a bad one. Or if we really should have just gotten married. Could you have imagined how we would have told our about insanity! We may have killed my Dad on the spot! And his family…well I don’t even know what to say. Did I forget to mention, just 6 weeks later, we were in Sin City. Oh ya baby! We almost took the plunge again. This time, I don't really know what prompted it. But we were standing in the “Little White Chapel.” Calling some friends. Apparently, you need a witness or two. :P Instead of saying "I do," we shared a mini wedding cake.
Out of all the men I've ever known, he is probably the only one, that I really saw myself, having a life with. Envisioning our life together. All those conversations we've had. Talks about how many kids, where to live, careers, finances, and religion. All of those things. By the way, we wanted 3, maybe 4 kids. And 2 dogs. :)
But in the end, I'm just not sure. I don't think I could ever really give 100% of myself to anyone. I'm just not that person. And honestly, he needs that kind of a woman. He was meant to be an amazing husband and father. That much I know.
After nearly 10 years, I know that much. That this man, no matter what he says, needs that kind of a woman. That gives 100% of herself. And as much as I want to be a SAHM and wife, I'm just not sure we were meant for one another. But, I thank God every single day for him. He is definitely one of my very best friends. We've had our good times, but we've also had some of the worst times together. And we've made it out of those bad times. Actually, those bad times, made our bond stronger. Much stronger. He knows some of my deepest, darkest secrets. The things I’m most afraid of. And I know all about his dreams for the future.
Who knows. One day, I might just show up, in my hometown. Newly married. I might still become that "barefoot and pregnant woman." His Mrs. and “Baby Mama.” The one that gives up her career, to be the SAHM. You know the one. That makes all the class snacks, goes on every field trip, and has dinner on the table...when her hubby gets home. I guess you just never know what My Music Man and I will do. There have been so many opportunities. You just never know...
And just a little bit of fun. But really I like that song. You know, our life paths are not set in stone. Not yet anyway! I might just pick up and do something silly. Like let myself fall in love. There is still a little bit of hope out there. ♫
I honestly can't believe, that another week has gone by! I still haven't slept. It's been a busy few days with work. Then leaving yesterday morning, to come help my parents. So I'm looking forward to some rest and relaxation this weekend. But first, here are this week's Friday Fill-Ins.
1. Blue skies make me happy.
2. Taking a trip down memory lane can make you both happy and sad.
3. Kids are hilarious.
4. Getting away from "real life," relaxing, and having lots of fun trying new things; these are some of the best things about vacation.
5. Love is complicated and unpredictable.
6. I've never been to the submarine races.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing in the backyard, tomorrow my plans include watching the NASCAR race in Daytona and Sunday, I want to enjoy a fun dinner with friends! ♫
I'm a college student by day. And a musician by night. I love to craft and cook. I LOVE rainy nights. And I like to spend my Sundays watching NASCAR. ♫