Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Fill In #27

Can you believe that it's already Friday? I know. I'm still trying to write Tuesday's date. :) This week's Friday Fill-Ins are just a little off. Don't blame me if they don't make any sense at all! But I'm a good sport, and trying it out. How about you?

1. I am from the chair, from Clorox, and Summer Flowers.

2. I am from the Old Colonial, with sweet smells, cool breezes, and peaceful nights..

3. I am from the Elephant Ear, Tiger Lilies, and Bamboo; also the Spider Plant, Peonies, and Sandy Beaches.

4. I am from baking cookies and taking care of family, from Genevieve and John and Garcia.

5. I am from the celebrating all of our good and standing by one another during the bad.

6. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing My Music Man, tomorrow my plans include going to the Car Show and Parade and Sunday, I want to take a long afternoon nap! ♫

1 comment:

gengen said...

Your answers are cool it makes me smile hehehe...Mine is also up.