Saturday, May 21, 2011

Made Him Smile That Smile...

To say that my boss/friend has been a little stressed out...well that's just the understatement of the year! No lie! And he was looking a little stressed out. Not too long ago...

By the way, the entire band is melting. It's that crazy hot out here. But we're here, supporting our boss/friend. And since he's been incredibly understanding of my situation this week, and let's just face it...nice to me, I knew I needed to make him laugh. :)

What I didn't anticipate was...that smile! You know, the crook'd smile. Sly. Boyish. The one that says it all. While not saying anything at all. Well, that's what I got. Maybe I shouldn't have picked this song to dance andd sing to...

But I did. And we all laughed. As the band pounded out rhythms. On trash cans no less! And I sang my own version. All while making him laugh. Pre-work. Y'all I didn't want to distract him that much. Yes, we have a playful relationship. But he still has a job to do. He did have a good laugh. Especially when I convinced a little L, his nieces, and my Lil' Cowgirl to do some dancing with me.

It definitely got his mind off of things. My boots are little dusty. And I'm sure there are some people trying to figure out if all the people from the southwest are this silly. Um, ya we are! And now, we're all ready for tonight's BIG event. I'm pretty pumped up myself! How can we call this work? Why do people pay us for this again? Please tell me. Happy Saturday! ♫

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