Friday, September 3, 2010

Earning My Pay

Take a mix of these 4 videos, add in a little Juareno style, OK a lot of Juareno style, and you have what me and A are working on. For what? An upcoming show for El Grito.

And how did this happen you ask? Well, S and I always used to dance at our gigs. "La Chiquitita" became known for it. And after the organizers of this gig, found out that I was playing, well they asked me to dance. Because S now lives in Mexico City, I needed a new dance walked A.

Because our Goddaughter, Mi Princesa, dances folklorico style, we had a shoe in. A sweet talked her teacher, and she helped us put together a nice polka. Just with a lot more Juareno style to it. You know how they dance. Do I really have to describe it? I mean, I'm sure at some point or another, you've seen a Mexican couple dancing.

Let's just put it this way, I was a little embarrassed when Mi Princesa was watching us. Oh, and after the first rehearsal, I couldn't look A in the eye for at least a week. Ya, we were THAT CLOSE! I'm sure we now have a complete and honest idea of what each other has. But that's how the people dance around here.

I'm personally more used to dancing to this type of polka. Just a lot faster.

But we are definitely going to be earning our paycheck on the day of El Grito. Playing, singing, and dancing. Oh boy! I hope I survive the 2 day celebration. :) I think we're playing a total of 36 hours in 2 days. Something insane and crazy like this. And this, it happens to just be 1 of the many dances that A and I are adding into our shows. ♫

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