Friday, September 17, 2010

Save the Date

This week, I was home for all of maybe 3 hours. Work has been beyond insane! But it was long enough to look through my mail. And what was stuffed between the ads and a crap load of credit card applications? A "Save the Date." Between, why do I get so many applications? I just shred them and straight to the trash they go.

Who was the "Save the Date" for? A friend? A relative? Someone I went to school with? Who? It was for Sam. She is the granddaughter to some friends of my parents. They know each other through their Car Club.

What's crazy, she is at least 5 years younger than me. Am I just late at this whole rodeo? Maybe I'm too picky. Or I'm destined to be an "Old Maid." Not sure. But I just think it's weird. Maybe because I feel like you should be closer to 30 before you get married. You know, experience life a little. Live a little. Get to know who you are.

But I think I'm in the minority on those thoughts. Either way, I will be going to a wedding next May. For this sweet girl. Even if I think it's a little crazy. Because you know, I've learned, love just happens. ♫

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