Saturday, September 4, 2010

I Want These

Do I need these shoes? Probably not. But I'd really like to have them. I don't know what it is about them. I just really like them. And I mean these green shoes. Not the purple ones, that you'd think I'd like. But these green ones.

Now if I just had $44. Ugh! The joys of going to college and always being poor. I'd put these on my "Wishlist," for Christmas or whatever. But I highly doubt I'd get them. Who would buy me sneakers?

Oh well. A gal can wish. I honestly don't know why I like these shoes so much. But I just do. I seen a friend wearing them not too long ago. Well, the "Guy" version of them. These shoes are much more adorable! And what is with green and me lately? ♫

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