Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mi Abuelito

Yesterday, I was feeling a lot better. A lot better than I was feeling on Monday. A little more rested. A heck of a lot more alert. And just in a better mood. So I decided, to go see my Tatie.

You know, after all that drama that happened a few weeks ago, I was a little uncertain. But determined. I wanted to see my Tatie. To make sure he was OK. And to let him know that I love him. I'm praying for him. And I'm on his side.

I drove to his house. And I found him sitting outside. With my Nanie and aunt. I was not rude. Or "in your face." I could have been. But what would that have accomplished? I was there to spend time with my Tatie.

After a while, it was just the 2 of us. I didn't ask questions. Or even wonder how they allowed us this time. Instead, I thoroughly enjoyed our time alone. Hearing from my Tatie, that he was doing well. He ate. We talked. We moved around. And honestly enjoyed the fresh air.

I did tell him about what happened to my parents. He asked me for some phone numbers. He told me to pass along some messages. And to try and get him a few more phone numbers. Why? Because he wants to talk. To have communication with his family. Not just the ones that are "controlling things." But all of his family.

I assured him, I'd get the messages out. I'd try and track down phone numbers. I told him, not to hesitate to call me. No matter what. And I'm so glad, that we got that chance to talk. And that it was just between us.

I feel like I owe so much to my grandparents. You know, for everything they did for me growing up. Especially my Tatie. And whatever it is, that he needs, I'll try and do it. My heart feels so much more at ease. Just because I got to talk to him. We were honest. He asked me some honest questions. I told him everything I knew. It was a good time.

And when I got back to my parents' house, I found out, my Auntie had called. A good one. To talk about everything that's going on. And to find out about my Dad. And to make sure we had my cousins' phone numbers. I'm so glad! It's nice to hear from them. To know that we're all on the same side. Our grandpa's side.

But the thing I will take away from yesterday, more than anything else, is my Tatie telling me, "You belong here. I love you. I'm so happy we got to talk." That's all I needed. I'm still on cloud 9. And I'm so happy that he's doing much better! ♫

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